Some Kite-festivals ago, i met the founders of “Vliegeren is voor iedereen” or “Kite flying is for everybody” in English. Since that time they have become real kite-friends.
In the time i’ve known them, i came across other members of their club and every time i come across them, more members are popping up….

Vivi, the team mascot
The diversity of members ensures that they fly just about everything. One, two, three, four,… Lines… No problem, they get just everything into the air.

Preparing for candy dropping
In addition to kite flying, they also ensure that other people have a great time, they give initiations powerkite for the bigger ones and they provide teddy and candy drops for the little ones.

Me in between “Vliegeren is voor iedereen”
Recently I’ve had several times that I had the pleasure of flying kites next to them and I can say that these moments are always full of fun and adventures.
Like this, the little girl we navigated to one of our turbines.
Or our kites who find it necessary to cuddle and dance with crashes as a result.

Marjolijn, Rob and Family
To Rob, Marjolijn, Family and Team members, I’m glad I got to know you all. And I’m glad I can tell you that you are my kite friends.
I still see many nice encounters and adventures. Until the next
you can find “Vliegeren is voor iedereen” on: